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new blog, new danger...

Right, I've started my blog again with the intention of actualy updating it occasionlly this time. How true this turns out to be remains to be seen. Expect vague mutterings on graphic design and music plus whatever else takes my fancy. Samual Pepys, I probably ain't.

I've spent most of the weekend so far trying to bodge up a screen-printing press. This'll mean I'll hopefully be able to offer limited runs of flyer and T-shirt printing (assuming it works of course). Its also so I can get some practise in without someone leaning over my shoulder shouting, 'don't do that, its potentially very expensive!' as they tend to so often at uni. Apparantly daydreaming and £3000 printing presses aren't a great combination. Ach well. Its a useful distraction from job searching. If you're reading this; employ me. I'll scare birds, I'm really not fussy.

In entirely unrelated news, Garageband, an unsigned bands website, have chosen one if my songs as 'track of the day' (whatever that means) for next thursday. Sign up and say nice things about it and I'll buy you off with biscuits.


later, peasants