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Look, i'm as excited about the farce that is England's world cup campaign as anyone but we've just recieved a football themed gas bill which I think might be taking it, oh I don't know... a tad too far. I assume the point is that after the initial shock of seeing how much you have to pay you notice the novelty footballs and football-themed puns ('you and Npower - the winning team' - ha) and you start clapping your hands like a seal in joy and soon everything is forgotten.

Everyone seems to have to prove they're behind England more than the next guy which gives Leeds the appearance of a National Front rally (which is usually only limited to Morley). I can only assume that there are people out there who think 'well, I was going to take out a mortgage with them but they dont seem patriotic enough for my liking. I think I'll go elsewhere). Special credit has to go to one of the local tourist mags which has the headline 'Goalden Goal'. Look at that a second if you will. They've taken a phrase which is already todo with football, one which in fact already contains the word 'goal', and then made it even more so. Because they clearly like football 'that' much. Kind of missed the whole concept of a pun there really, haven't you?

Please for fuck's sake, don't enourage the idiots.

...All the good bands are splitting. Truly we are living in the end times.

Sleater Kinney - Modern Girls